Admission Process
Eligibility Criteria
Regular courses:- Must passed 10th with minimum 50%.
Lateral courses:- Must passed 12th with minimum 50%.
Admission Criteria
Admission of a student is strictly made through BPTPIA Exam Merit List.
Mode Of Securing Admission
To secure admission in the college the candidate shall have to submit documents at the time of reporting to college and for verification of eligibility for the courses. Students should carry all the Original documents along with 1 set of Xerox
Passport size photographs- 8 piece
- • All academic certificate and mark sheet (i.e. 10th mark sheet, 10th passing certificate, 12th mark sheet, 12th passing certificate).
- • Residential certificate
- • Caste certificate (if applicable)
- • Aadhar card
- • Original migration certificate of last examination passed.
- • Eligible students admission is totally based on first come first serve basis.
- • A student is admitted to the college on the condition that he/she shall comply with the rules & regulations made time to time and shall maintain discipline of the college strictly.
- • The college authority may refuse admission to any student without assigning any reason whatsoever.
- • Admission of student who secure admission on the basis of any other misrepresentations shall be summarily cancelled & all fees paid by him/her shall be forfeited.